

The items contained here are the governing and guiding documents by which the Galactic Alliance functions.  These not only address how the club functions, but also what members’ roles are.

In an effort to keep from having intimidatingly long documents, we have tried to not repeat the same information over and over again in each. While there is some slight overlap of information in this document, it’s not presented in the same fashion as found in the others. There is also a level of “fluidity” purposefully associated with each.

  • TGA ConstitutionIs the backbone on which everything else is built. It’s intentionally a little bare. It’s the core and we purposefully designed it to be very difficult to make changes to.
  • Standard Operating ProtocolExpands and adds to the information/guidelines/rules presented in the Constitution. This document is a little more fluid in that it does not require the approval of the entire membership to change.
  • "Members' Handbook" Our goal with this is to present TGA in less formal terms and to help guide Members.

You can download the Constitution,  Standard Operating Protocol, and the Member's Handbook as PDF documents for easy reference and printing.