Mandalorian Knights and Lords
The Mandalorian Knights are based on Revan, a Human male, who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. They are essentially a Mandalorian armored Jedi.
- For Mandalorian characters who wear a helmet: Full T-shaped visor dark enough to obscure the wearer’s face. (Leaving the stock Rubie’s helmet visor in is not acceptable without additional tinting.) Must LOOK like a Mandalorian Helmet.
- Custom visor designs are allowed, however at least 1/3 of the vertical T portion must be apparent. The Executioner helmet is an example where 1/3 of the vertical T portion is visible in the ‘nose’ and ‘teeth’ sections of the visor design.
- Helmet size will be judged on a case-by-case basis. Generally, the helmet’s width and height should be proportional to the person wearing it.
- If the kit is to include damage and weathering, a clear effort to make the level of damage and weathering consistent across all parts of the costume must be apparent. Damage and weathering should appear realistic (edges wear first and heaviest, then wear moves to the center of armor piece, chipping around blaster marks).
- Rubie's Jango 2 piece and Boba 3 piece helmets are only acceptable with the following modifications: Must fully cover all seams, Boba dent must be either filled in or pushed out, "coin slots" on the back must be either cut out or have a single hole drilled out in each slot.
- Helmet design must match the armor's era design.
TGA-0001 in his Mandalorian Knight kit. Note Lightsaber color matches his armor trim color. Helmet is a modified Jango 2 piece.
Chest Armor
- MUST be fitted and spaced correctly depending on armor/body type. Good rule of thumb, maximum spacing should equal no more than 1 inch between collar/chest/gut plates.
- No more than 1/2 inch between diamond and chest plates.
- Must be of adequate size in proportion to your chest area. Chest plates should not exceed 1 inch beyond edge of collar maximum.
- Rivets used for attaching armor must be painted to match armor.
- Armor plates used for custom costumes may not include the same dents that appear on Boba Fett costumes.
- Armor worn on the front of the torso must include a collar plate, chest plates, a chest diamond, and an ab plate.
Body Armor
- Knee plates and Cod are the minimum lower armor that is required. Soft cod or Loincloth is acceptable. Shin/Knee combinations are an acceptable variant for knees.
- Codpiece or loin cloth is required.
- Rivets used for attaching armor must be painted to match armor.
- The top edge of the cod plate must be fully covered by an acceptable waist item.
- Plates should be sized correctly so that they are proportionate to your body size.
- Armor with special/personal designs, logos, etc must be pre-approved.
Back Armor
- Some form of back covering is required. (Backpack, back armor, air tank, cape, cloak, etc.)
- Must cover at least 2/3 the overall width and length of the back.
- Back armor SHOULD be used as all canon references for Modern Era Mandalorians show back armor. However, if your Mandalorian wears a duster or other jacket or a cape that fully covers the back from shoulder to shoulder and neck to waist, the use of a backplate is not required.
- Backpacks and jetpacks are also acceptable in lieu of a back plate. However, the back covering must completely cover the back as to make it unknown that there is no backplate present.
- Soft back coverings can be substituted for back armor pieces as long as they add to the overall look of the applicant’s armor.
- Full/half capes are acceptable as long as they cover the entire back area. (No armor vest should be showing.)
- Capes of all styles will be judged on a case-by-case basis based factors including, but not limited to, fabric type, weathering, and quality.
An example of an acceptable cape, with pre-approval for the logo required
Shoulder Plates
- Are not required to be Fett style.
- Must sit above the bicep muscle and cover the deltoid area.
- The top edge of the plate can either be lined up with the shoulder seam or sit slightly above it. Multiple plates are acceptable.
- Forearms must be fully covered by one of the following:
- Full or half/bracer style hard shell gauntlets.
- Heavy leather bracers which wrap at least 3/4 of the way around the forearm.
Should be fastened with straps that match the flight suit and buckles. - At this time wraps are acceptable in place of a gauntlet.
- Mounted weapon systems must appear to be mounted to a piece of armor in a practical and functional way. Weapon systems that appear to be glued on will not be accepted. Bolting, riveting, casting as one piece are good examples.
Soft Parts
- Armor/flak vest must be worn under armor plates.
- T-shirt vests are NOT acceptable as armor vests.
- Vests may be traditional Boba/Jango style or custom style. If you have a question about your vest, contact the Membership Magistrate.
- Ensure vest is properly fitted/tailored for you. Baggy and over-sized vests are not acceptable.
- Zippers must be completely hidden from sight.
- The vest must be comprised of solid color block(s). No patterned material may be used as part of a vest.
- The vest must not be longer than the chosen waist items.
- The vest should complement the color scheme. Avoid colors that clash with the flight suit and armor.
- Military style flak jackets may be used however the front closure system (overlapping velcro enclosure) must be covered in a manner that hides the seams.
Flight Suit
- Flight suit must fit snugly to the wearer.
- One or two piece flight suit designs are acceptable.
- If using two separate pieces, they must give the illusion of a one piece flight suit by using the same color and material for each piece. (We should not be able to tell the difference).
- With double sleeved flight suits, contrast of color is acceptable on the arms if the shorter sleeve matches the color of the flight suit.
- If the flight suit collar does not fully cover the neck, a neck seal will be required. Neck seals can be separate pieces or built into the flight suit or vest. (We should not be able to see any visible skin showing between the flight suit and helmet from any angle.) A balaclava is an acceptable substitute.
- Zipper pull tabs must be hidden from view.
- External pockets on the seat of the pants must be removed. Internal slit pockets on the hips and slit pockets on the seat of the pants must be hidden, sewn shut, or fully closed so that they don’t fall open.
- The flight suit must be a solid color. No patterned material may be used as part of a flight suit.
- Flight suit sleeves must not protrude from the ends of the gauntlets, unless tucked into gloves.
Kamas, Loin Clothes, and Shemaghs
- Kamas are acceptable.
- Loin cloths are an acceptable replacement for cod armor, or can be used in conjunction with cod armor and/or kama.
- Loin cloths should be worn UNDER the belt or waist sash. One piece girth belt/loin cloth is acceptable as long as the combined pieces meet the individual fitment requirements.
- Loin cloths must be more substantive than a single piece of rectangular fabric hanging from the belt, and must be constructed of quality material (heavy fabric, leather, or vinyl) in a design that compliments overall costume quality.
- Shemaghs will be approved on a case by case basis and if the Membership Magistrate deems it takes away from the quality of the kit the shemagh will be requested to be removed from the kit.
Ammo Belt, Pouches and Ejection Harness
- You must have at least two of the following items in any combination: ammo belt, girth belt or waist sash, holster belt, trophy items (no earth design items).
- No cell phone pouches on ammo belts for adult submissions.
- A Girth Belt/Waist Sash MAY be a required addition depending on the need for coverage in the waist/girth area.
- The top edge of the cod plate must be fully covered by an accepted waist item.
Armor Strapping
- External strapping must be of an in universe material, examples include but are not limited to tactical web belting and leather.
- Elastic strapping is generally unacceptable for external use except for the following placement:
- On the knees, elbows and Mando “thongs” only and dyed or painted to match the flight suit.
- If fully hidden from view by armor accessories such as kama’s, ammo pouches, capes, holsters etc. It would be recommended to use a higher quality elastic rather than the inexpensive “sew in” type, in the event the coverage moves and it is exposed. The color must still match the flight suit.
- Elastic may be used for boot armor strapping, but must be of the high quality elastic and same color as the boot.
- Full fingered, must completely cover the hands and wrist.
- Labels and brand names must be removed or covered.
- Combat/Utility boots are considered the primary accepted boot for armor. Other boot types will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Labels and brand names must be removed or covered.
- Shoelaces MUST be covered with armor or some sort of boot/ankle spat.
- High heels/stiletto female boots are not acceptable Mandalorian armor attire. Platform, wedge, and chunky style heels are acceptable.
- Heels may not exceed 1 to 1 1/2 inches tall
- Laces on gaiters and half-chaps are acceptable as long as they do not appear on the top of the garment where boot laces would normally appear. These styles of gaiters and half-chaps are not recommended as there are other styles without laces readily available.
- Exposed zipper closures on boots are acceptable as long as they are located on the inside of the leg and match the color of the boot. Zippers that do not meet the above requirement must be completely hidden from view by armor plates, spats, wraps or an extension flap.
- Weapons are only required where allowed by local law or event management. In jurisdictions where weapons are not allowed, kits will be approved without weapons after local laws or event rules are verified by the Membership Magistrate.
- At least one weapon of Star Wars-universe style (not Earthly-looking). Nerf and other similar toy weapons MUST have labels/logos removed, be modified in a manner that removes the Nerf aspect, and be repainted.
- Manufacturer screw holes MUST be filled and smoothed. They must also be modified so they no longer appear “straight out of the box”. Swapping parts, modifying and customizing with the idea of Star Wars future tech is encouraged.
- Mandalorian Knights may use any color Lightsaber except green, Lords may use any color except red.
- Weapons may not fire a projectile of any type (Nerf Darts, bullets, pellets/bb’s). Weapons with moving parts (triggers, rotating cylinders) must be pre-approved and may be prohibited during certain events.
Acceptable Armor Materials
- Sintra
- Most 3D printing filament (may have durability issues, yet to be tested within TGA).
- Kydex
- Styrene
- Fiberglass
- Metal
- Fiberglassed/resin-ed paper board.
- Acrylic based materials such as lexan or plexiglass. Must not be transparent.
- Worbla or Teraflex can be used but are NOT recommended.
- If unsure, please contact the Membership Magistrate for clarification.
Acceptable Attachment Methods
- Velcro
- Magnets
- Snaps
- Bolts
- Rivets
- Leather and nylon strapping may be exposed.
- Elastic strapping must be concealed EXCEPT on knees, elbows, and “Boba Thongs” where they must be color matched to flight suit.
- Naked or plain circuit boards glued on to items as greeblies are not acceptable. If circuit boards are used as greeblies, they must be modified so that they fit the 70’s tech aesthetic of the films.
- Any use of exposed circuit boards as greeblies will be highly scrutinized.
- Greeblies made out of common items such as electronics components must be modified or used in such a way that they are not immediately recognizable. These components are still very much available for greeblie use as always, but creativity with modification and/or placement is suggested. We highly encourage the use of uncommon or obscure items as greeblies.
Light Sabers
- Lightsaber hilts may be worn as trophies or tools.
- No full bladed lightsabers/darksabers may be carried unless your character is a Mandalorian Knight or Lord then the blade color must match the character’s alignment.
- Mandalorian Knights may use any color except green, Lords may use any color except red.
The Don’t Section
- No soft armor/Halloween costumes/Mando pajamas
- No tennis shoes/sneakers
- No visible zippers or closures on flight suit or armor/flak vest. Snaps or rivets must be painted to match the flight suit or flak vest.
- No jeans, t-shirts, sweat suits, etc. used as flight suits or armor/flak vests.
- No blood, gore, or human skulls, we are a child friendly organization.
- No “modern” or “common” off the shelf camo patterns may be used. Camo patterns allowed must be uncommon, vintage, or in-universe and will be highly scrutinized during the application process. Officially barred “off the shelf” camo patterns: Woodland, Tiger Stripe, 3 Color Desert, MARPAT, Realtree, Mossy Oak, ACU, Urban, 6 Color Desert, Swiss Alpenflage, and MultiCam.
- Any new technology (Ipad, Ipod, cellphone, etc) must be cleverly disguised or blend well when used and should fit in the general Star Wars universe. May require pre-approval.